Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony Held Grandly

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-06-01viewed:13

On May 30th, the School of Business Administration (SBA) held the Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year at the Lecture Hall of Wenhui Building on the Shouyi Campus.

The birth of the role models was witnessed by alumni representatives, faculty leaders, department heads, class instructors and all tutors together with more than 200 students. Representing SBA, Yu Xiaopeng, the Secretary of the SBA Party Committee; Dean Wu Haitao; Vice Dean Wen Hao, Shi Junwei; and Zhu Yanping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, were in attendance.

Firstly, Mr. Yu delivered a speech. On behalf of the school, he expressed his high respect and heartfelt thanks to the faculties and students who have been quietly dedicated. He encouraged students to follow the example of the outstanding alumni, and to continue the struggle to pay tribute to the 75th anniversary of the National Day and SBA.

Dean Wu successively announced the recognition decisions for the “Inspirational”, “Learning Star”, “Yuxian” and “Wenhua” scholarships. Mr. Yu announced the comprehensive recognition decisions, and presented the scholarships and honorary certificates to representatives of the winning students.

The Top Ten Youth (Team) Award Ceremony then began. The event organizing committee awarded the title of Top Ten Youths to the following students (teams): Dorm 416, Circle Lake 17; Huang Qianzhi, PhD Candidate in Corporate Management, C2023; Zhao Chentong from International Economics and Trade C2101; Wu Rui from Human Resource C2102; Zhang Longsheng from International Business C2022; Duan Xian from Corporate Management C2001; Zhou Xinhao, PhD Candidate in Agricultural Economics, C2021;Xie Xiaoyan from E-Commerce C2001; Liu Yujun from International Economics and Trade C2101; Team of Youth Collaboration from Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management. Representatives of outstanding alumni and class instructors read out the award speeches, while department heads and tutors presented awards to them respectively.

As one of the six brand activities of SBA, Top Ten Youth (Team) Award  will continue to discover business stories, and encourage business young people to be self-confident, self-improvement, righteousness and innovation, and to be the wayfarer on the road of youth.